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News article

19th February 2016

Over 80 St Brendan’s students enjoyed a special event this week, during the Advanced Graduate Programme Celebration Evening. 

Tibaba Adeniyi talking to guests

Tibaba Adeniyi talking to guests

Students and their families were invited to the occasion, which was the first of its kind, on Tuesday night. The evening began with an awards ceremony, which recognised the incredible achievements of the AGP students. Awards given included High Achievement (those students gaining 3 A’s and above in their mock exams), most master classes attended and the 5 students who have gained Oxbridge offers were also recognised. Alumni member Tibaba Adeniyi also returned to College to discuss her AGP experiences and journey since leaving St Brendan’s; giving a very inspirational talk to the guests.

Once the awards had been given out and winners congratulated, the 200 guests had a chance to talk and mingle in the Glasshouse Café. They had an opportunity to talk to representatives from Bristol University, to a St Brendan’s Careers Advisor and to discuss the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ); a course students can take up in their second year of study.Guests were also provided with information on studying in China by Lina Li , who runs an agency which facilitates such opportunities. Lina’s company also ran some interesting games and cultural activities. Congratulations to all AGP award winners; the evening was a wonderful celebration of the many incredible achievements so far! 

