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News article

15th April 2015

The A2 Environmental Studies students took a break from their books to see for themselves how modern farming is undertaken.

They visited Lye Cross Farm where they had the chance to see the full production process of cheese; from field to shop shelf. 

On the Farm

On the Farm

The farm produces organic cheese and the students saw all aspects of the process, from the milking shed to the large barns where the cows are housed in the winter, including the shed full of baby calves; the future milkers.

Conservation is also a high priority of the farm and a discussion was held over the issues of badgers and bovine TB. The students also got to learn about intensive farming as the farm also intensively raise pigs on the whey left from cheese production.

The indoor piggery was not what the students expected and some were quite shocked; a consequence of the population wanting cheap pork. The day ended with an opportunity for some to climb aboard the tractors, and of course, there was a chance for all to taste the lovely cheese. 

