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The specification studied is OCR Fine Art. It may be taken alongside Photography, Textile Design, Graphic Communication and Product Design.

A-level Fine Art offers opportunities to use your creativity to express yourself and record the world in which you live. You will develop your understanding of creative processes, your ability to observe and think, to solve problems and communicate in a visual, verbal, and written way. It will enable you to work independently and to make your own discoveries by exploring ideas, other artists’ work and different materials and techniques.


Course content

The A-level is divided into two units.

Unit One

Personal Investigation

60% of A-level

Unit Two

Externally Set Task

40% of A-level

In the first year you will focus on learning and developing the skills required for the subject through a series of projects. You will have time and opportunities to explore the given themes through experimentation and exploration with a wide range of techniques and processes. You will then apply these skills in an increasingly independent way.

In the second year you will complete two units of work (as outlined above). You will choose your own areas of study with advice and guidance from the Fine Art staff.  You will explore your theme, idea or issue fully and are encouraged to be experimental, innovative and enquiring in your approach. In addition, you are required to produce a related written study of 1,000 – 3,000 words. These two elements of the Personal investigation are marked internally using the OCR Assessment objectives and externally Moderated by the OCR awarding body.

Methods of Teaching and Learning

You are given a thorough grounding in core skills through experimentation in a wide variety of media. Students are supported through 1:1 tutorials, group critiques and peer group assessments. In year 2 you have focused studio time to explore your ideas, plan and create final outcomes. You are continually supported in making creative decisions through continual reflection and critical analysis. Opportunities to present & curate your artworks within an end of year public Creative Art exhibition are one of the highlights of Year 2.

Students are expected to progress with studio work by completing a minimum of 4.5 hours of independent study outside of lessons each week.

Methods of Assessment

All units will be marked internally by the Creative Arts team and will be moderated by the exam board.


Trips and visiting speakers are organised throughout the year in order to inspire students and give them a broader understanding of Fine Art. These will come at a variable cost but we will always keep costs down wherever we can.


The open plan Fine Art studios are well equipped with printing facilities for screen and relief printing, clusters of computers with Adobe creative suite and a range of colour laser and inkjet printers.

Large wall space and display boards offer opportunities for students to work on a large scale and display their work. Collaborative work with other creative art subjects offers further access to specialist equipment. 


A studio kit fee is required for this course and cost approximately £105.

Students are expected to have funds to cover additional equipment and printing costs as directed by their individual project requirements. The cost of all trips will be the responsibility of the student.

Financial assistance is available if required.


The A-level in Fine Art provides a sound basis for students who wish to proceed to a Foundation Diploma in Art and Design or to BA (Hons) at universities, as well as being a useful background to a career within the creative arts industry.

Where can this course lead?

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Fine Art has been added to My Courses


