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This course has most similarity with the study of History and Politics. It is appropriate for students who are interested in modern society and who enjoy conveying their ideas in writing. Sociologists produce theories to explain human behaviour (functionalism, Marxism, feminism, etc.) and students must be prepared to study these theories and the related research in detail.

There is a great deal of reading and essay based assessment; students must be able to interpret essay titles and produce coherent, fluent essays. It is essential that they develop analytical and evaluative skills in relation to both empirical and theoretical data.

Methods of Teaching and Learning

The course is taught by well qualified members of staff. Lectures, discussions, written assignments, videos, presentations and tests, are all part of the learning programme.

Methods of Assessment

The course will be examined in the following pattern:



Socialisation and Culture

  • Cultural diversity and subcultures
  • Socialisation and identity

Families & Households

  • Family diversity in the UK
  • Social change and how it has changed family structures
  • Patterns and trends relating to families and households e.g. marriage, divorce and our ageing population
  • Theoretical perspectives of families and households: Functionalist, Marxist, Feminist, Postmodernist, New Right


  • The role and function of education
  • Patterns and trends of achievement; factors affecting achievement by class, ethnicity and gender
  • Social policy and education

Theoretical perspectives of education

2 hour 30 written paper


(40% of total A-level)


Methods of Sociological Enquiry

  • Key concepts of research, such as validity, ethics, reliability, objectivity
  • Primary and secondary research methods
  • Methodological approached to research
  • Sampling
  • Ethical, practical and theoretical issues with research

1 hour 45 written paper


(20% of total A-level)


Power and Stratification

  • Inequality related to social class, gender, ethnicity and age
  • Changing patterns of inequality including the distribution of income, wealth and social mobility
  • Theories and explanations for inequality: functionalist, New Right, Marxist, neo-Marxist, Weberian, neo-Weberian, feminist, postmodernist and theories of racism

Crime and Deviance

  • Patterns of crime and deviance
  • Measuring crime; official government statistics including police statistics and the British Crime Survey, victim studies and self-report studies
  • Definitions of crime and deviance as social constructs including the role of the media

Theories and explanations of crime and deviance: functionalist, Marxist, neo-Marxist, interactionist, right and left realism, postmodernist, feminist, sub-cultural

2 hour 30 written paper


(40% of total A-level)

Course Combinations

Sociology combines well with any other academic subject. It is not recommended to take it as a third A-level in conjunction with only practical subjects.


Support for student learning is provided by extensive Teams documents and video extracts. The Library provides access to the Internet and is well stocked with Sociology books and reference works.

Students will be advised which textbooks are most useful for their studies.


The full A-level in Sociology provides a sound basis for students who wish to proceed to higher education as well as being a useful background for careers in nursing, social work, health care, education, public relations, the media, personnel, police, law and the leisure industry. Sociology combines well with most other subjects.

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Sociology has been added to My Courses


