Business (apply via ATL3) has been added to My Courses


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BTEC First qualifications, specially designed for individuals seeking a vocational-focused education. By immersing yourself in a practical learning environment, you will acquire invaluable knowledge, understanding, and skills that will propel you towards further education and prepare you for a successful career.

BTECs are renowned for their emphasis on real-world application, allowing students to deepen their knowledge and understanding by actively engaging in work-related scenarios. They have become increasingly popular due to their effectiveness in enabling students to take charge of their own learning journey and cultivate skills that are indispensable in today's dynamic workplace. These sought-after skills include teamwork, executing tasks based on specific requirements, meeting deadlines, delivering compelling presentations, and meticulously completing administrative duties and processes. By pursuing BTEC First qualifications, students are not only inspired but also provided with opportunities for progression to advanced studies and greater responsibilities in the professional world.

To obtain the Certificate in Business, students must accumulate a total of 360 credits. This qualification comprises a comprehensive range of units selected to enrich your learning experience.

Course Content

Units of study

To obtain the Extended Certificate in Business, students must accumulate a total of 360 credits.

This qualification comprises a comprehensive range of units selected to enrich your learning experience:

  • Unit 1 - Enterprise in the business world - 30 Credits
  • Unit 2 - Finance for business - 30 Credits
  • Unit 3 - Pomoting a brand - 30 Credits
  • Unit 9 - Pinciples of marketing - 30 Credits
  • Unit 13 - Financial planning and forecasting - 30 Credits
  • Unit 24 - Work experience in business - 60 Credits
  • Unit 31 - Managing personal finances - 30 Credits

Methods of Teaching and Learning

This course is delivered by a highly skilled and seasoned faculty. You acquire knowledge through the successful fulfillment of projects and assignments that mirror authentic workplace scenarios.


The course incorporates a work experience placement to provide students with a practical understanding of the business environment and the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts learned in the classroom to real-world situations. This essential component is mandatory and necessary for the completion of one of the units.

Methods of Assessment

All newly introduced vocational courses will undergo assessment through a combination of internally evaluated assignments and externally administered examinations. The exam board will be responsible for setting and grading the external assessments. Upon completion, an overall grade of Pass, Merit, Distinction, or Distinction Star will be awarded.


The college has outstanding IT facilities and internet connectivity, ensuring access to complete all assignments using office software. Furthermore, you will have access to a wealth of resources including textbooks, case studies, and invaluable work placement opportunities.

Additional Costs

During the course, students are charged for printing and there are also costs incurred when privately buying reliable storage devices to back up their electronic files.  Students are expected to present the majority of their work electronically to reduce printing costs, but there may some occasions when printing is necessary.  In addition, a number of visits and a work placement will be arranged which may require students to make a contribution towards costs.


This course is highly beneficial for enhancing a diverse set of skills required both in professional settings and for further educational pursuits.

Numerous students choose to continue their education and advance to Level 3 courses after achieving a Merit or higher in this course.

Where can this course lead?

Apply for this course

Find out how to apply for BTEC L2 Business (apply via ATL3).

Business (apply via ATL3) has been added to My Courses


