English Language has been added to My Courses


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Please note:

This seems to be a popular choice! This course is now full for 2024/25 and so you will not be able apply for it as one of your course choices.

However, you can join our waiting list for this course by emailing us at waitinglist@stbrn.ac.uk

In the meantime, please apply for an alternative course to go alongside your other choices. If a place becomes available, we will contact you and discuss whether you want to swap to this course back into your programme.  

As course choices change and students shuffle around, it is very unusual for students to remain on waiting lists and not get onto all of their first choice courses by the beginning of term. We will keep you updated!

This subject is designed to appeal to students who enjoy the study of language and are seeking to explore the nature and functions of language, how its key constituent parts have developed under the influence of a variety of contextual factors and how these changes may be analysed and evaluated creatively.

You will learn about how we acquire language, how language changes over time and you will engage with contemporary debates about language and society. You will analyse a wide range of non-fiction texts, allowing you to demonstrate your understanding of how texts and language used are influenced by their context.

To enjoy and be successful in this course, you need to be interested and engaged with language used all around you and be willing to explore texts in great detail, using a linguistic framework approach. It is a course for students who love to read and write and are interested in the relationship between language and society.

In 2023 47.2% of A-level English Language students achieved A*-B which exceeded national benchmarks. As well as this, student progress was significantly higher than national benchmarks.


Course Content

This specification will enable you to explore the fundamental structures and functions of writing, speech and conversation and how language functions in different social contexts.

Year 1 focuses on the acquisition of key concepts, theories and terminology. Key topics include textual variation and representation, language and gender, language and social/occupational groups and regional/national varieties of English.

Year 2 consolidates and extends knowledge and understanding from year 1. Key topics include children's language development and language diversity and change.

Course work is completed during both years of the course.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

You will engage with a wide range of learning activities whichever English course you decide to do, including group discussions, independent study, presentations and research projects. We aim to provide a varied and rich curriculum and encourage all students to participate in enrichment opportunities offered, including theatre trips, visits, workshops and visiting speakers.

This course follows a two-year linear specification. The exams at the end of two years are worth 80% of the A-level and all students are required to submit a coursework element which is worth 20% of the A-level. You will be assessed formally and informally over the two years through terminology tests, analytical essays, presentations, discussions, and creative writing pieces.


You will work from booklets, shared resources on Teams, worksheets and textbooks. Online platforms are also used to support your learning. You will be expected to purchase your own set texts. Support may be available to buy texts through the College bursary. You can expect to spend about £27 for the set text book for English Language (this should be available second hand). You will also need to budget for stationery, equipment and educational visits.


English studies combine well with a wide range of other subjects. Through studying English, you develop high quality communication skills and all courses offer you the opportunity to develop your skills of critical analysis. These skills are highly transferable and support a wide range of progression routes, whether in higher education or in employment.


There are no course charges, but there is an expectation that students who are able to afford to buy their own text books should do so. If theatre trips and educational visits are arranged, these will also need to be paid for.

Where can this course lead?

Apply for this course

Find out how to apply for A-level English Language.

English Language has been added to My Courses


