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News article

28th February 2024

With just under a month to go until completion of their real-life project with global engineering consultancy Mott McDonald, it was the perfect time for our Inspiring Engineers group to make a trip to the University of West of England’s School of Engineering building at the Frenchay Campus.

Our students have been busy working on their prototypes in their teams with their mentors, so it was great for them to down tools for a session, explore the state-of-the-art facilities and gain an insight into the range of routes to study Engineering at university.

They spent the morning in the Prototype and Play Lab learning how to use the software before designing, building, and programming a series of car robots.

After this session, they were given an exclusive tour of the specialist laboratories, workshops and digital engineering facilities housed in the multi-million-pound School of Engineering building. During this, they discovered the variety of courses available to study at UWE, including Mechanical Engineering, Engineering, Electronics, Robotics, Aerospace Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechatronics and more.

To help our students envisage all that studying Engineering at university entails, they were joined by the Head of Faculty and a current undergraduate for a Q&A session. The undergraduate shared their journey towards higher education and why they chose their course, their university experience so far and what they are hoping to do next. As well as answering any questions our students had. The Head of Faculty informed our students of the broad choice of courses on offer at UWE and where each of those paths could take them in the future.

Our budding engineers left the day feeling suitably inspired and eager to perfect their prototypes ready for their final presentation to industry experts at Mott McDonald at the end of March. We cannot wait to catch up with them after their Celebration Day and take a moment to reflect on their 6-month journey since joining the society last September!

If you would like to find out more about the Inspiring Engineers Society at St Brendan’s click here.

