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News article

12th January 2023

The new year has got off to a great start for many GCSE students at St Brendan’s Sixth Form College, with an impressive total of 64 students achieving the sought-after grade 4 or above in GCSE Maths or English – six months before the scheduled end of the course. 

Although the post-16 leader is known for its extensive offering of A-level and Applied General subjects, the College also offers an ‘Access to Level 3’ programme for students who do not quite make the grade requirements to study A-levels straight from school. The scheme supports students in topping-up their GCSE and Level 2 qualifications, including re-taking their Maths and/or English GCSEs, and enables them to successfully secure the grades needed to move on to a full A-level programme. 

Students have a whole year in which to re-study and re-sit their GCSE exams in Maths and/or English; however, after a fresh start at a new College, many students find they are able to secure their grades just three months into the academic year.

Amongst the delighted achievers was 17-year-old Leona. Leona started her College journey with GCSE grade 3 in English Language. Just three months in, the determined teen has managed to secure an impressive grade 6. She now looks forward to completing the rest of her Access to Level 3 programme in Sociology and Business and then progressing on to study A-levels in Psychology, Sociology and Criminology at St Brendan’s in September. Her eyes are set firmly on studying Psychology at University and forging a career as a Forensic Psychologist. With her pass in English behind her, she is well on-track to achieving her goal.

16-year-old Makini is a St Brendan’s student who is celebrating double delight. Enrolling onto the College’s Access to Level 3 programme last September with 3’s in both Maths and English, today she celebrates the 4’s she has achieved in both subjects. After completing the rest of her Access to Level 3 programme in Sociology and Law, Makini will continue at St Brendan’s for the next two years on an A-level programme including Sociology and Fine Art, and will be exploring her many university and apprenticeship options. 

Marian Curran, Principal of St Brendan’s said “The November exam entry for our students maximises their opportunities for success and I am delighted that so many of them reached their goal. This is a huge achievement for our students and we are immensely proud of their accomplishments. After only three months of the new term they have been able to achieve what had eluded them during their time at school. I am proud that we are able to offer these students a new beginning in which they can grow and succeed and I look forward to seeing them progress on to their A-level and other Level 3 courses next year.” 

Marian added “I would also like to thank our amazing teachers who have worked tirelessly to ensure our students were fully prepared for these exams.” 

