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News article

2nd February 2024

It’s an exciting term for our Year 13 students as their university offers start to fly in. So far 591 of our students have decided that university is the next step for them. With guidance from our Careers Team, they have perfected their personal statements and sent their applications to universities across the UK and abroad. Many students have started to receive offers, including an incredible 343 Russell Group and 401 Sutton Trust 30 university offers so far!

Amongst this exciting news we have 4 Oxbridge candidates; Ben, Hazel, Joe and Taya. As well as Oxbridge applicants, these 4 students are all members of our ASPIRE programme which supports our high achievers reach their full potential. We caught up with them to celebrate this brilliant achievement and hear more about their journeys towards two of the most prestigious universities in the UK.



We spoke to Taya who joined us from Oasis John Williams. She currently studies A-level Biology, A-level Geography and A-level Chemistry at St Brendan’s and has an offer to study Biology at the University of Oxford.

Why did you choose to study Biology, Geography and Chemistry at St Brendan’s?

I chose to come to St Brendan’s because I wanted a change from the school environment and more independence. Also, when I visited the College at an Open Day I thought the teachers were really passionate about their subjects. I really enjoyed Biology and Geography at GCSE so I knew I wanted to continue studying those. My mum helped me to decide my third subject, which is Chemistry.

Reflecting on your time at St Brendan’s, what has been your favourite aspect of College life?

I’ve loved meeting new people and making friends. At the College you get the chance to meet lots of different people from across Bristol and learn from them and their experiences.

Before you came to St Brendan’s did you have aspirations to study at Oxford?

I’ve always been interested in Oxford and thought it would be really cool to study there. I didn’t get much information about it at school, but since becoming an ASPIRE student I’ve found out so much about studying at Oxbridge and how to get there.

How did you feel when you got the offer?

It was really unexpected, I kind of applied for fun and so I couldn’t believe it when I got the offer. Now I’ve got a big decision to make between Oxford and Bristol!

What support did you receive from the staff at St Brendan’s towards your application?

My Biology teacher, Paul, has given me loads of support. He runs the ASPIRE programme and was able to give me personalised advice for my interview and personal statement. He would also let me know about any opportunities for summer schools and Olympiads.

Why have you chosen to study Biology at university?

I was really interested in Earth and Environmental Science but it was during a summer school at Oxford that showed me my favourite aspects were all Biology based.

What are your plans after university?

I’m not sure yet but I’m really excited to continue studying Biology and see what happens. Biology is a broad subject so I’m sure I’ll find an option that I want to pursue.

Do you have any advice for our current and future Year 12s?

My brother is in Year 12 and this is the advice I’ve given to him… Look for opportunities, don’t just wait for them to come to you. Summer schools and Access to Bristol events are a really great way to discover what you do and don’t like. Speak to your teachers and find out all you can from them. Most importantly, do something you enjoy!



Ben joined us from Downend. He currently studies A-level Law, A-level History and A-level Religious Studies at St Brendan’s and has an offer to study Law at the University of Oxford.

Why did you choose to study Law, History and Religious Studies at St Brendan’s?

It was the range of courses that made me choose St Brendan’s. I wasn’t able to study some of them at my school sixth form and I really liked that you can choose which History course you study – there’s 3 to pick from! By coming here I also got the chance to try out Law before making the big step to study it at uni.

Reflecting on your time at St Brendan’s, what has been your favourite aspect of College life?

My favourite moment was the History trip to Edinburgh. My favourite thing about College in general is the depth you can go into within each of your subjects. I’ve also really developed my ability to argue which helps with all of the essays I need to write!

Before you came to St Brendan’s did you have aspirations to study at Oxford?

I never really thought it was a possibility when I was growing up, but my older sister got into Cambridge and that made me realise it was something real people actually did. I was still doubtful if I would be able to do it, but my parents and my teachers at College really encouraged me. I attended an overnight summer school trip to Oxford uni and meeting other people who were applying really helped me think I could do it too.

How did you feel when you got the offer?

I found the invitation to interview the most exciting part of my application so far. Then when I got the offer it was more relief than excitement, like “yes, I’ve done it”.

What support did you receive from the staff at St Brendan’s towards your application?

I worked with my teachers a lot, they gave me feedback and advice throughout my application. I attended an information evening at the College in Year 12 about Oxbridge and Access to Bristol, and this is what kick started my application.

Why have you chosen to study Law at university?

Law contains all of my favourite aspects of the courses I’m currently studying; writing arguments and developing debates. Being a big fan of “Law and Order” might have something to do with it too.

What are your plans after university?

I like to take the approach of using as much time as possible to learn what I like before deciding, it’s what I did during my GCSEs when I was thinking what to do next, so I’m planning on doing this at uni. I want to use my 2nd and 3rd year to study the optional modules and discover what it is that I want to specialise in.

Do you have any advice for our current and future Year 12s?

When you’re applying for university, break the application down into chunks and start it as early as possible. If you can, get a lot of it done in the summer. About College in general, focus on why you’re here and make sure it’s something that matters to you. Don’t just follow your friends or be somewhere out of convenience. I could have stayed at my school which was right on my doorstep but I chose to travel further for more options and opportunities.



Hazel joined us from Collegiate. She currently studies A-level English Literature, A-level History and A-level Politics at St Brendan’s and has an offer to study English Language and Literature at the University of Oxford.

Why did you choose to study English Literature, History and Politics at St Brendan’s?

I wanted a new environment and St Brendan’s looked really cool and modern when I visited at an Open Evening. The people were really friendly as well, and they still are! English has always been my passion, I find Politics really interesting and I thought History would complement them. Maybe I just love essays?

Reflecting on your time at St Brendan’s, what has been your favourite aspect of College life?

I’d say my favourite things are all of the people I’ve met and friends I’ve made, having great discussions in my classes and being somewhere where my passion is genuinely encouraged.

Before you came to St Brendan’s did you have aspirations to study at Oxford?

It’s always been something I thought would be cool to do, but I was unsure if I could do it. I heard about a summer school via the Careers newsletter and applied for that. Once I was there it really encouraged me and made me think it was something I could do.

How did you feel when you got the offer?

Pretty chuffed! Like Ben I also found the interview invitation the most exciting part.

What support did you receive from the staff at St Brendan’s towards your application?

I did a lot of independent prep as that’s how I work best but I found the Careers newsletter really helpful as that’s where I first found out about the summer schools. I like that you’re not forced to do anything at certain times, you get encouragement and just know that help is there if/whenever you need it.

Why have you chosen to study English Language and Literature at university?

English is my passion! It honestly just lights me up and I’ve always enjoyed it, so I can’t wait to continue studying it.

What are your plans after university?

I want to see what happens and most importantly follow my passion. I’ve always been academically prone so I could see myself doing further study or maybe becoming a lecturer. I really like writing, so I think that could work with those routes too.

Do you have any advice for our current and future Year 12s?

If you’re looking to apply for Oxford or Cambridge, be intuitive – don’t follow a formula. Make sure you really pull out the essence of “you” and make sure that comes across throughout your application. When you’re at College go into your classes with the mind-set of “I’m going to enjoy this” rather than focusing too much on just getting x grade. In general just make sure you have fun too and make the most of the time with your mates.



Joe joined us from Broadoak. He currently studies A-level Biology, A-level Chemistry and A-level Further Maths at St Brendan’s and has an offer to study Economics at the University of Cambridge.

Spoiler alert: Joe has chosen to take his next step in America at the prestigious Dartmouth College, and so he will be politely declining his offer from Cambridge. Joe began his journey towards studying across the pond when he discovered the US Sutton Trust programme via our Careers team. Check out these blog posts to discover Joe’s story:

Aspirations for Stateside study and more!

Top of the Rock!

Ivy League ambitions fulfilled!


We wish all of our students the best of luck and can’t wait to celebrate with them on Results Day in August!

