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This subject offers the opportunity to explore all aspects of contemporary Media: how media products are created and who makes them, how they are used and consumed by audiences, how media represents the world around us and what impact and influence that might have. Through a variety of approaches students are able to develop their enjoyment and critical understanding of a range of media texts and those who produce them. The core areas of study involve demonstrating knowledge and understanding of media concepts, contexts and critical debates and then being able to apply that knowledge when analysing media products.

Finally, with this understanding, students can go on to produce their own media products using appropriate technical and creative skills. Students leave us skilled in all aspects of media studies; a real advantage when applying for university or apprenticeships.

Course Content

The Eduqas A-level media course consists of a range of set texts, which are studied across the theoretical framework: Media Language, Media Audiences, Media Representations and Media Industries.

Component 1 – Media Products, Industries and Audiences. 1 Exam 35%

Component 2 – Media Forms and Products in Depth. 1 Exam 35%

Advertising and Marketing

Set Texts: Tide, Kiss of the Vampire, Paralympics

Film (Cross media study including film marketing)

Black Panther and I Daniel Blake

Music Video

Beyoncé Formation and Vance Joy Riptide

Video Games

Assassins Creed Franchise

Newspapers (In-depth study)

The Mirror and The Times


Have you heard George’s podcast?


Television in the Global Age

Black Mirror and The Returned

Magazines: Mainstream and Alternative Media

Huck and Women’s Realm

Media in the Online Age

JJ Olatunji and Attitude

Component 3 – Cross Media Production Coursework 30%

You will create 2 media products from a choice of set briefs.

•  Advertising and Marketing: Film or Music

•  Television

•  Magazines

•  Online and participatory media

Across platforms: Print, Online Media, Audio Visual


Methods of Teaching, Learning and Assessment

The approach to this subject is active and practical. Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking and autonomy by exploring theoretical approaches to Media, the contemporary media landscape and wider contextual issues. There is opportunity for individual and group work and students are encouraged to take responsibility and initiative in their own learning. Tutorials and workshops may be offered to support the development of practical and written skills.

Methods of Assessment

Exam 70%
2 exams at the end of the second year (component 1 and 2)

Practical Coursework 30%
Practical work takes place at the end of year 1 and beginning of year 2

Resources and Enrichment Opportunities

Practical production equipment including DSLR cameras and digital editing facilities are available. Students also have access to a computer suite and dedicated editing suite with Premiere Pro editing software and a photographic/film studio with green-screen. Students are encouraged to make full use of the well-stocked Learning Resource Centre. We also have an extensive collection of DVDs and videos to borrow.

We have links to a range of Media and Film organisations in the area, including the BBC and The Watershed Cinema. Many students apply to the BBC Apprenticeship scheme.


As a practical subject there are extra costs incurred for the purchase of equipment. We strongly recommend all students get a memory stick to save large files. There is a compulsory insurance requirement for borrowing practical film-making equipment outside of college.

Financial assisstance is available via the College Bursary Scheme.


The A-level in Media Studies provides a sound basis for students wishing to follow a career in the Media and other related areas, or to proceed to higher education / apprenticeships. The skills acquired through studying media are invaluable in careers involving all forms of communication.

Research has consistently shown media students do very well at finding good employment past degree level.

Where can this course lead?

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Find out how to apply for A-level Media Studies.

Media Studies has been added to My Courses


